Another Church?

Another Church?

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We’re a new church. But, you’ve probably already figured that out by now. If you’ve browsed the rest of our website you might think we’re not any different from the tons of other churches in Kansas City – or anywhere else for that matter. We believe in the Bible, Jesus, the whole nine yards. “So what?” you might say. “Who needs another church? Why another church?”

But let me ask you this: How many Starbucks are there within a 30 mile radius of where you are right now? 2? 3? More? And they’re all pretty much the same, right? But we HATE waiting in line for our coffee so it wouldn’t hurt to have one more, would it? That would be pretty convenient. No one would complain or question the decision for a new Starbucks to open down the street.

Sure, it seems like there are a ton of churches. Tons of denominations. A church on every corner. So why another one? Isn’t that overkill? Here’s a stat for you: in America there is about 1 church for every 1200 people. So when every church in the country has 1200 members we can stop the madness. But, about 80% of churches have under 200 attendees. In the specific area of Kansas City we are aiming to reach there is 1 church for every 3500 people. And not every church in this area has 3500 attendees. Not even close.

So what does that mean? It means there are thousands upon thousands of people here in Kansas City who have no spiritual community. There are thousands of people who are searching – and may have been searching for a long time – but for them church does not have the answers they are looking for. They may have had a negative church experience as a kid, seen the Church as irrelevant and behind the times, been burned or disappointed by a church leader or pastor, or any number of horrible scenarios.

Enter First Century Church. I’m not saying we are or ever will be perfect or even “better” than any other church anywhere. We’re not trying to prove anything or compete with anyone. There are several good churches doing great things, and we aspire to be one of them. We don’t have all the answers or some magical formula or a recipe for “success”. We’re just people on a journey like you. We get some of your hangups with church. We understand that you have questions – so do we. And instead of hiding or dodging or just being a spiritual social club, we want to tackle tough issues, have honest conversations, and meet the real needs of the people we live, work, & interact with everyday – YOU!

We are here, and we are ready to make a difference in Kansas City.

Now, go get in line for that overpriced latte!