The Thanksgiving Experience

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Thanksgiving involves three things: family, football, & food. At least for most of us. But, for many families, scraping together enough money to try & have a memorable Thanksgiving meal can be difficult, if not impossible. That should not be … Continued

The 5 Steps of Christianity

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Christianity is a journey. It’s an adventure. It’s full of twists and turns, ups and downs. And as with anything, each person’s faith journey will be a bit unique to them. Even people from the same family have differences in … Continued

Pride Checklist

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I continued a teaching series last Sunday on the life of Samson called, “Confessions of a Strong Man”. Each week in this series, we’re looking at a negative character trait with which this man from the Old Testament in the … Continued

The Reward Is In the Risk

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Raise your hand if you’re a risk-taker. My hand is not raised. I guess until recently, that is. Taking risks is not really in my nature. I’m a planner. Like, an over-planner. I’m a thinker – yes, an over-thinker many … Continued

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