Growth | Kingdom – Wk3 // 3.30.25
We all want to grow, but it’s not always easy. What barriers to growth should we look out for, and how we can best allow God to grow us? Welcome to week 3 of “Kingdom”!
We all want to grow, but it’s not always easy. What barriers to growth should we look out for, and how we can best allow God to grow us? Welcome to week 3 of “Kingdom”!
It may officially be Spring outside, but are you in a personal “Winter season” right now? Are you confused? angry? afraid? losing hope? We believe this message can encourage and guide you during this (or any) Winter season!
Things are not always what they seem. Sometimes you have to dig a little deeper and look a little longer to see what others do not.
Where is the Kingdom of God? When is the Kingdom of God? How can we experience the Kingdom of God? We’ll try to answer questions like these as we begin a series all about the Kingdom!
Today we celebrate a decade of God’s goodness and faithfulness to our local faith community and look ahead to the future!
This week we’ll continue learning how to live in and how to live out God’s love.
Love is not just what God does – it’s who God is. This week we’ll see how we can live in God’s love and live out God’s love.
Some people see God as an angry, vengeful old man in the sky and think of God’s justice as negative and unfair. But what if that’s not who God is at all?
The idea of God’s glory may sound weird, vague, or unimportant, but as we’ll see this week it can have a powerful – and practical – impact on your life.
What makes God holy? Can we be holy? We’ll look at those questions and more this week.