Our Part | A Promise For The Nation – Wk2 // 10.27.24
If we want to receive God’s promise, there’s a part we have to play. Buckle up for a challenging message!
If we want to receive God’s promise, there’s a part we have to play. Buckle up for a challenging message!
God makes promises to His people. Who are “His people?” Why does that matter? What does that mean for your life? We’ll take a look at that today in week 1 of a new series leading up to the 2024 … Continued
Is obedience simply following a bunch of rules, or is it much deeper and more meaningful than that? Let’s see what it really means to obey.
Do you want to make it for the long haul in life? If so, here are three additional supplies you’ll need to do it.
We all face seasons of difficulty, times of pain, & moments of doubt that cause us to want to throw in the towel. So how can we stick it out for the long haul? Get your dose of encouragement in … Continued
We all want to have a clear conscience, but sometimes things go off the rails. What are those pitfalls, and how can we get back on track? This week we’ll examine the Conscience.
In the opening week of this series we will see a series of steps we can follow to help us speak and live out truth in our world.
Rules-based religion doesn’t work. But there is a better way.
It’s sneaky. It’s dangerous. Let’s see what’s so bad about legalism.
Prophecy – it’s not just for Old Testament guys with long beards. This week we’ll look at what to know about prophecy – and what to do with it.