The Reward Is In the Risk

The Reward Is In the Risk

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Raise your hand if you’re a risk-taker.

My hand is not raised. I guess until recently, that is.

Taking risks is not really in my nature. I’m a planner. Like, an over-planner. I’m a thinker – yes, an over-thinker many times. I hope I never need a “Plan B”, but I usually have at least Plans B through G mapped out just in case. I usually feel like with most risks, there is not enough to gain to give it a go. In my mind, the risk almost always outweighs the reward.


But, here’s a question to ponder: Is there ever a reward if you never risk anything?

Some may say, “Sure! The reward is not losing anything!” But is that really a reward?


Think about the Wild West. If a notorious bandit was on the loose, every town would have Wanted posters everywhere. Somewhere on these posters in big, bold characters would be the cash reward for the capture of the bandit – dead or alive. Now, you can stay in the comfort of your own home and not risk or lose anything (unless the bandit strikes really close to home). Are they going to give you the reward for that? Unless you leave the homestead, saddle up with guns blazing, search high and low, brave the elements, are willing to take a bullet, and bring the guy in, you get nothing.

But sometimes, the reward is in the risk.

What if you risk everything to catch the bandit in the Wild West, but don’t catch him and don’t win the cash reward? But, what if over time you begin to earn a reputation as an adventurer and bounty hunter? So, no, you may not strike it rich in your lifetime, but your grandkids’ grandkids will read about you in their history books at school. Now THAT’S a reward!


Now, again, I am not a natural risk-taker. But, this past year or so has been one big risk. We’ve taken a pay cut to work more hours. We’re pulled in more directions than ever with little to no obvious incentive. We’re starting this new faith community from nothing – not an easy task. We’ve risked awkward moments by asking friends and even strangers to join us on this journey. We’re risking our reputation in the chance that this whole thing bottoms out.

I’m not saying this for sympathy or a pat on the back. But, if I, a non-risk-taker, can do this, then surely you can, right?

When is the last time you took a risk?

When are you going to ask out that cute guy or girl in your apartment complex? Are you going to apply for that new job opening or go for that promotion at work? Why haven’t you tried to start that new business yet? What about that cool idea for a great invention you’ve been working on in your basement for the last 18 months? Why not risk your reputation and forgive the person who hurt you? I mean, when’s the last time you even changed your hairstyle on a whim?


Will you always get the results you thought you would or should? Is risk-taking a shoe-in or guarantee? Uh, it’s called ‘risk’ for a reason! But, if you can see long-term rewards and enjoy the journey, maybe you’ll see the reward was simply in just taking the risk itself.