The Thanksgiving Experience

The Thanksgiving Experience

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Thanksgiving involves three things: family, football, & food.

At least for most of us.

But, for many families, scraping together enough money to try & have a memorable Thanksgiving meal can be difficult, if not impossible.

That should not be the case. We should do something about that. So we do.

For the third year, First Century Church will be providing under-resourced families in our community full Thanksgiving meals so they can have an amazing Thanksgiving Experience. The idea is simple. We buy the turkey, trimmings, sides, & dessert. We box up meals. We deliver to two locals schools with which we are partnering. Families end up more stuffed than the turkey while they fall asleep watching football. That’s what Thanksgiving should be.

This is our first Thanksgiving Experience since we officially launched as a weekly operational church. So, this year, we will gather together on a Sunday morning (Nov. 22) during our regular gathering time & box 34 meals for these families.

That’s right.

No band playing worship music.

No 3-point sermon.

Just people getting together to help make a difference in the community.

That’s really what the Church is anyway, isn’t it? We’re not simply GOING to church. We’re BEING the Church. We say it around here all the time: “Church is not a place. It’s people.” I’m excited to do that & give families in our community an unforgettable Thanksgiving Experience!